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REXA Electraulic™ Actuation is a one of a kind product and adaptable to any process control application. At REXA, we provide customer-specific engineered process control solutions.


Electraulic™ Actuation consists of two major components: the mechanical sub-assembly and the electrical sub-assembly. Each component plays a critical role in combining the benefits of major actuator types (pneumatic, electric, hydraulic) while eliminating the drawbacks of each technology. 

REXA provides both Linear and Rotary actuators, as well as Damper Drives, depending on your application.


REXA is committed to maximizing return on investment for its customers and supporting them over the long-term. REXA actuators deliver unparalleled performance and reliability with minimal cost of ownership.

In order to find the product/s that best matches your technical requirements, please contact us directly.


REXA Electraulic™ I Israel


Hapardes 14 St. 

Kiryat Uno, IL 5552572

Tel: +972-(0)54-7207950

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For all inquiries, please fill out the form below, and we will get back to you asap.

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